Southeast Podiatry and Dr. Brent M. Harwood are passionate about fostering the arts in our community, and we have supported many local organizations through various sponsorships and scholarships.
Presented by Southeast Podiatry and Dr. Brent M. Harwood
Our annual summer intensive scholarship is awarded to an individual who demonstrates a passion and talent for dance and the desire to further her or his dance education by attending a summer intensive.
To apply, please submit the following information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Your Information
- Name
- Mailing address
- Telephone number
- Birthday
- Name dance school
- Name of instructor
- Number of years dancing
- Letter of recommendation from your dance teacher
- Essay: Write a minimum of 400 words describing your dance journey and what dance means to you
- Video: Create a 2 minute video of your performing arts skills. Upload video to YouTube and provide a link. Do not attach or email a video file.
- Photo: Winner’s photo may be displayed on website. Dancer should be in dance clothing, Photo can be full-body or headshot, but should be a solo shot.
Summer Intensive Information
- Name of school
- Location
- Dates of intensive
- Tuition deadline
- Amount of all fees (list separately tuition, lodging, meals, ect.)